6th Grade Social Studies
Course Description:
This class focuses on ancient world history from prehistoric humans to the rise of great civilizations in the Near East, Egypt, India, China, Persia, and the eastern Mediterranean. Students will learn about major archaeological discoveries, relevant geography, and patterns of human settlement. They will also learn about the art, religion, mythology, government, and geography of these great civilizations in a variety of ways. The course goals and objectives are closely aligned with the California Social Science Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards.
Essential question: "What is the enduring legacy of the ancient world civilizations?"
Method of Instruction:
A variety of approaches will be used to convey basic historical concepts. The textbook, TCI History Alive! will be used as a reference throughout the year. Class lecture and explanation of material will be supplemented with primary & secondary-source readings, maps, and artifacts designed to develop critical-thinking skills. All students will learn effective note-taking as an ongoing, developing skill. They will take notes from lectures, readings, and film. Sixth graders will also learn to take "digital" notes for projects, summaries, presentations, and for review for tests & quizzes.
To enliven the study of human history, role plays and simulations will be a regular feature of this class. With partners or in small groups, students will give oral presentations on what they've learned. By integrating the arts and technology, students will have many opportunities to show their creativity.
Materials & Supplies:
Students are expected to have the following each day:
• charged laptop - (this should be done every night at home)
• 1 1/2" binder (three rings) to hold all "core" assignments
• 10 dividers (with tabs) for binder
• pens (blue or black ink)
• hi-lighter pen (for revising)
• red pen (for editing & proofreading)
• college-ruled binder paper
• colored pencil set
• charged laptop - (this should be done every night at home)
• 1 1/2" binder (three rings) to hold all "core" assignments
• 10 dividers (with tabs) for binder
• pens (blue or black ink)
• hi-lighter pen (for revising)
• red pen (for editing & proofreading)
• college-ruled binder paper
• colored pencil set
Students are expected to give their best efforts and to take responsibility for their own learning. Asking questions, sharing ideas and being helpful to classmates will make our class soar! Organization is crucial to being successful in middle school. Use the website & online calendar to double-check due dates. If unsure about an assignment, ask your teacher or a trusted friend. Be sure to store all completed, graded work in your "core" binder stored in the classroom. Work in progress should be filed in your regular binder.
Be sure to charge your laptop each night. Keep your laptop organized with assignments saved and filed in correct desktop folders.
Be sure to charge your laptop each night. Keep your laptop organized with assignments saved and filed in correct desktop folders.
In social studies you are likely to have homework once a week. Usually it will be to finish something we have been working on in class. Typically you will have several days to complete it. All assignments are due at the start of class. Print your work at home or before school begins. Students are expected to read for 30 minutes per night (RUSD policy). A good history book will easily fill this requirement!
Absences & Late Work:
All assignments (and due dates) are posted on my website. Students are responsible for the material missed during an absence and will have one extra day to turn in the assignment upon return. Students should arrange with another student to get information if needed. If a student misses an exam, a make-up exam will be given during lunch on Wednesdays or before school by arrangement. Late work (unrelated to an absence) will be accepted with 10% deduction for each day late.
Grades are posted weekly online. It is a good idea to check occasionally to see that entries accurately reflect student progress. The course grade is "weighted" as follows:
Weekly assignments 40%
Projects 25%
Quizzes & tests 20%
Class participation 10%
Binder/Supplies/charged laptop 5%
Weekly assignments 40%
Projects 25%
Quizzes & tests 20%
Class participation 10%
Binder/Supplies/charged laptop 5%